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Break down in a sentence

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Sentence count:235+4Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: analyseanalyzebreakbreak upcollapseconk outcrumblecrumplecrushdecomposediedissectfailgive outgive waygogo badlose itsnaptake aparttumbleSimilar words: breakbreak outbreak upbreak offbreak inbreak awaybreak intobreak throughMeaning: v. 1. make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features 2. make ineffective 3. lose control of one's emotions 4. stop operating or functioning 5. separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts 6. fall apart 7. cause to fall or collapse 8. collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack. 
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91. In most cases, you need to break down and combine your sentences, tossing away words as you do.
92. Vole mandible from Westbury deposits showing the results of insitu break down of the bone.
93. And if Lutz ever break down and give it to him... he gon na have a big thing.
94. However, machines do break down and power supplies sometimes fail.
95. They sense they may have the luck to see a teacher break down, actually self-destruct.
96. Twenty minutes later Slendertone pads were placed on Santa's fattest points to break down fluid retention.
97. Later, you will break down the middle portion of these work-outs so that you will alternate quick and easy paces.
98. Try to break down the calculation and get the students to do it in stages.
98. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
99. A joint development between LogIT and the Lego Robolab might just help to break down the science and technology interface.
100. There is mounting pressure to break down the barriers protecting the tax-deductible charitable dollar.
101. Our hand torches for the night watch began to break down.
102. Break down each block into discrete units of knowledge. 4.
103. We will reinforce the rights of the individual in the world of work, and break down artificial barriers to advancement.
104. The issue of dumping radioactive waste overshadowed the final phase of the negotiations and nearly caused them to break down.
105. But not even Barnes could break down a Springbok side able to absorb the most intense pressure and punish every error.
106. Nakatani is expected to contend that an existing injury, not his whipping, caused the colt to break down.
107. Before you can have a revolution you have to break down the existing system.
108. The duties of Team Enya break down this way: The artist writes the melodies and sings.
109. Salt does not break down or decompose in the pond - it is diluted by partial water changes.
110. Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window or break down a door. Brooke Shields 
111. Disputes between natural and adoptive parents are not unusual and a fair proportion of arrangements break down.
112. Stir gently to distribute the fruits and break down any ice crystals.
113. To develop production we must break down regionalism.
114. We must break down selfish departmentalism.
115. Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination.
116. At last, break down green rampart of international trade.
117. Let's break down the column headings from Listing 4.
118. Break down fetishes and superstitions and emancipate the mind.
119. Is price war break down to procrastinate adversary?
120. Some rocks from volcanoes break down to form black sand.
More similar words: breakbreak outbreak upbreak offbreak inbreak awaybreak intobreak throughdrink downknock downtrack downlook down onbreaststreakbreathingout of breathbreezepeaksneaksteakspeakweakenspeak upspeak forspeakerso to speakto speak ofdowndownsget down
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